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The Worth of Souls

Songs to rescue and restore faith in Jesus Christ

Various Artists


2018 - Stone Angel Music.  Master pianist Paul Cardall calls together a collective force of unfamiliar singers, songwriters and musicians to create this thirteen song collection of contemporary songs of faith.  Aimed more towards the millennial generation, this album contains more of a modern beat and mentality as it allows these twelve unfamiliar artists to shine.  However, the major complaint I have with this project comes within the production aspect. Whom ever mixed these songs did not pay attention to the natural flow of the music.  Many of the songs are overly created with an excessive amount of instrumentals.  More so, the mixer does not know how to appropriately balance the vocals with melodies.  With such strong lyrics, especially those found within this project, the harmonies should allow the vocals to boast rather than bury them.  This comes back to the natural flow of the song.  If the amplification of the arrangement surpasses the natural volume of the vocals, then one can not hear or understand the message found in the lyrics.  A perfect example is found in “That Mountain,” performed by Charley Jenkins.  Jenkins’ vocals are strong in a country mentality and the lyrics admit a powerful message, however, all of this is lost within the mishandling in production.  This song would have hit our list of Top Songs of 2019, if it would have been properly produced. Other songs of the same stature include “Tears of The Saints” and “He Knows What He’s Doing.”  Many of the songs on this project are gentle with strong messages and they should have been treated as such.  Then again, I can tell that this album was designed with only the Millennials in mind.  Perhaps that is why the music over powers the message.  $$ - $$+ Mill-C


(© Strictly Country Magazine March / April 2019)

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