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Pure Country Pure Heart
Willie Nelson
2017 - Why is it that today’s films always consist of ten stories within one? Now granted life itself is comprised of millions of stories and we all become one another’s tale. My other complaint about today’s films is the fact that it takes an hour and a half to set the scene or basis for the film. This is not artistry, this is waste of time. That being said, this film’s baseline subject is two sisters who dream of making it big as performers. The problem with this based idea is the fact that this film never shows the sisters performing live. In fact, it only shows them practicing in the yard. The second main story featured in this film is the fact that these two sisters never knew their father as their father was a Marine who died in battle in Iraq, when they were young. This got me. This effected me to the soul as I come from a very long line of veterans. I will commend all who were involved in this film for their respect for our nation’s real heroes, our Veterans. Nonetheless, it is my personal belief that this subject was added for monetary reasons only. Now if the storyline would have just consisted of two sisters on the road to discovering who their hero father really was, without the musical career addition, the movie could have developed into a must-see flick! Another aspect, or story, thrown into the mix is the relationship between the sister’s father and another female entertainer. This is then mixed with the story of the relationship between the female entertainer and the sisters’ mother. I will say that all of the stories were well blended, albeit long winded. As for Mr. Willie Nelson, well it’s always nice to see him amongst the movie screens. Mr. Nelson appears at the very end of the film, playing himself as he performs a song live on stage. It’s the cover art that piques and deceives you as it gives you false hope that Willie plays a major role in the film. This same false hope is found in the description of the film. The based storyline is good, I personally feel that it could have been much better with more action and a lot less setting the scene. This is a family film, although there are a few minor swear words in it. This is not a movie worthy of watching over and over. In fact, I only recommend it if you can purchase it for $5 or less. Perhaps Netflix or Redbox will host if for a cheap family night. I score it low for the misleading on the premise, but more so for the mundane and tiresome class of stories amongst the one. $$-$$$
(This review was printed in the November / December 2017 issue of Strictly Country Magazine.)
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