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Johnny Cash - book "Man In White"

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Johnny Cash - book "Man In White"

Regular Price: $13.95

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Man In White by Johnny Cash.

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    A powerful first novel from lyricist Johnny Cash on the conversion of the Apostle Paul.

    From one of today's great entertainers and song-writers comes a novel about one of history's most influential figures - the apostle Paul, the man whos dramatic conversion strengthened the foundation of the Christian Church.

    Johnny Cash has spent the last nine years sutding and writing about the life of St. Paul. Why has he been so devoted to this research? Cash identifies with Paul's experience. He understands the intensity and zeal that led to Saul's conversion. To him, Paul represents a great study of profound transformation in the life of a human being.

    An imaginative portrait of a complex man, "Man In White" covers Saul's early obsession with destroying the Christian movement, describes his extraordinary conversion on the road to Damazcus, and charts the beginnings of his missionary work with the gentiles.

    While the story is inherently dramatic, Cash brings to it an uncanny instinct about Paul's personality, experience, and emotions. His passion for detail and his understanding of human nature make "Man In White" immediate, believable, and moving.

    Cash has a deep respect for his subject and genuine humility for the task of presenting Paul's life. He skillfully interweaves accurate details of Roman times with his intuitive understanding of Paul's objectives and sensibilities. "Man In White" is an absorbing, emotional novel. Anyone who is curious about the dynamics of human transformation will be intrigued by this elequent work.

    Johnny Cash is an entertainer of international renown. In "Man In White," this multitalented man demonstrates his artistry as a novelist.

    Printed in 1986, this book is sold used in great condition with dust jacket included.

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