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Strictly Country Top Songs of The Year Title

About Top Songs of The Year


It’s about the music, here at Strictly Country.  We believe in the artistry, brilliance, style and mastery of the craft of music.  At times the music industry does not believe in the artistry as much as we do.  There are far more brilliant songs that are lost in the abyss of recorded songs.  It is o

ur job to find the best and more artistic songs; and bring them to your attention.  For every song that you hear on the radio, there are at least 100 more beautiful and creative songs then that.


What makes a good song?

We believe that a good song is one that the listener can relate too.  As it progresses, it will take a listener on a journey as it prompts long forgotten memories or even plays a mini story with in the listener’s mind’s eye.  When listening to a song, one should not have to try to figure out the song’s message.  The lyrics should be carefully chosen to carry the listener through the song with ease while it promotes various emotions.  The melody of the song should not be over whelmed with various instruments, but should create a natural flow as it brings the lyrics to life.  The instruments playing the melody should be carefully chosen to compliment the lyrics and their nature flow while

creating a masterpiece worthy of the listener’s precious time.  This is what we look for when reviewing each album and or single.


The List

As we review each album sent to us, with pure precision, we compile a list of these great songs.  Each of these songs will earn a nomination for the Spirit Award’s Song of The Year within the calendar year.  Some of these songs are even eligible for other Spirit Award nominations in the categories of Spirit of Christmas and Spirit of America awards.  This list is released to the public in January of each year.


The Spirit Awards

In 2006, The Spirit Awards added the category of Song of The Year Award.  Each of the songs that hit our list of Top Songs of The Year is then nominated for this category.  From December 10th through the 15th, fans have the opportunity to vote for their favorite songs from this list in the Annual Spirit Awards.


In 2014, The Spirit Awards added another category called The Spirit of Christmas Award.  Some of the most beautiful music that is conceived is classified as Christmas music.  Strictly Country through the Spirit Awards is one of the first to acknowledge, praise and celebrate the artistry found in Christmas music. From December 10th through the 15th, fans have the opportunity to vote for their favorite songs from this list in the Annual Spirit Awards.


In 2016, The Spirit Awards added another category called The Spirit of America Award.  The staff at Strictly Country publicly supports our Nation’s Military and all the brave men and women who served, continue to serve and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving.  Through the years we have found many beautiful and artistic songs dedicated to our brave soldiers.  Strictly Country with the Spirit Awards is one of the first to acknowledge, praise and celebrate the artistry and honor found in Songs About Soldiers. From December 10th through the 15th, fans have the opportunity to vote for their favorite songs from this list in the Annual Spirit Awards.



The first song to earn the title of The Spirit Award’s Song of The Year Award came from the Pirates of The Mississippi with their song “A Snowman In Birmingham” written by Richard A. Alves, William H. McCorvey and Don Goodman.  The first song to earn the title of The Spirit Award’s Spirit of Christmas Award came from Aaron Tippin with his song “A December To Remember” written by Aaron Tippin and his wife Tia Tippin.


We invite you to read all about the previous Songs of The Year.  More so, we invite you to explore them and even download them.  These are the most beautiful songs to come out of the Country Music umbrella for each year!

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