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Loretta Lynn Image used with permission

Still A Mountain Girl

Loretta Lynn


2016 - Legacy Recordings.  If you are a real fan of country music, then you will already know the story of the Coal Miner’s Daughter—Ms. Loretta Lynn.  From her early beginnings in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky, to her marriage to Oliver “Doolittle” Lynn all the way to her success as an entertainer.  Now, thirty-six years later comes a new film about this legendary country singer.  Filmed as a documentary, Still A Mountain Girl explores more of this true American story.  Loretta Lynn, gives Yap Films unprecedented access to herself, her family and her friends as her life story is told once again.  There is so much about Ms. Lynn’s biography that can be told and majority of it is told here.  But once again it is subjected to bits and pieces.  The one notion that I rather enjoy about this narrative is the fact that so many people, especially her family, were willing to take part in this event.  The other favorable part is that this film shares with the fans never-before-seen archival material from live performances to her various television appearances all the way to her honor of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, presented by President Barack Obama.  As wonderful as it is to see this ‘new’ material, there were certain aspects of the documentary that I personally would not have included.  These aspects almost have a ‘filler’ kind of feel in them.  Perhaps if the creators and producers would have partitioned or subdivided this story into a longer and more detailed segment, then it would not have that segregated and ‘filler’ kind of feel.  As a reviewer and country music enthusiast, I could see one whole documentary on Ms. Lynn’s songwriting abilities.  This documentary does touch on this part of Ms. Lynn’s career, but not enough to draw the viewer in to realize her expertise as a songwriter.  What this film does do, is that it surprisingly does draw you into this talented entertainer—who still continues to work, fifty years later.  It’s her rags to riches story mixed with her true to American life songs that draw us in.  Ms. Loretta Lynn is the real Queen of Country Music and her story, her music and her experience needs to be shared by all.  This is a must have in any country music collection, one that demands to be shared! $$$$

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